Cata Global
has many great options, discounts ,take advantage of that.
From Mobile Application
Pickup Location
Enter locations, choose ON DEMAND (from NOW to up to 60 minutes in advance) or RIDE LATER for future bookings.
Select Vehicle
Choose the desired vehicle type and see the recommended base rates. Offers coming from our partners may slightly vary after you have submitted the booking.
Register now
You can register at any time. We will save your information for future bookings.
Confirm Booking
Review your booking information and submit it. In most cases, you will receive instant offers from various partners in our network.

From Dekstop Application
Pickup Location
Enter locations, choose ON DEMAND (from NOW to up to 60 minutes in advance) or RIDE LATER for future bookings.
Select Vehicle
Choose the desired vehicle type and see the recommended base rates. Offers coming from our partners may slightly vary after you have submitted the booking.
Register now
You can register at any time. We will save your information for future bookings.
Confirm Booking
Review your booking information and submit it. In most cases, you will receive instant offers from various partners in our network.